Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jabu: Salcra hopes to grow Gaharu trees in highland

KUCHING: The Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) is carrying out a research and development project to grow Gaharu trees in highland areas.

Its chairman Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang said Gaharu tree plantation would be of great economic potential for the rural community as oil palm and rubber were not suited for high terrain areas.

It is understood that Gaharu is valued for its distinctive fragrance that is widely used as a primary ingredient for manufacturing of incense, expensive perfumes and medicine.

Today, Gaharu, which is also known as Agarwood, is used to make soap, body lotions, aromatherapy products, anti-asthma and anti-microbe drugs, and nervous and digestive stimulants.

Jabu, who is also deputy chief minister, said Salcra would also embark on a research and development project for a seed garden focussing on bamboo.

“In the plantation industry, we need good planting materials. We also have a lot of bamboo species throughout the state, and we have started collecting this species at our agriculture stations for studies by scientists and technologists. The future of bamboo (industry) is very good in Sarawak,” he said in his speech at Salcra’s 35th year anniversary dinner cum Hari Raya gathering at the Borneo Convention Cenrtre Kuching (BCCK) here on Saturday.

Also present were Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, Salcra general manager Datu Vasco Sabat Singkang and Land Development Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing.

Jabu said the state government had also appointed Salcra to be the anchor for government-linked companies for the development of aquaculture in Batang Ai. Salcra members will participate in the project development.

“For a start, Salcra will do it by itself. When it is successful, we must allow at least 30 per cent of the participants to be from Batang Ai area. In this way, we can provide guidance to the rural community.”

Jabu said Salcra must continue to improve itself by bringing in qualified staff to increase its capacity and competency. It should also be involved in prudent management and stay up-to-date on biotechnology and mechanical applications.

He said since 1985, Salcra had paid out dividends totalling RM608.01 million to its participants. In 2012, RM101 million in dividends were paid out.

For 2013, despite the downward trend in palm oil prices and downward inclination of cycle of the biological trend of palm oil production of fresh fruit bunches, he assured that Salcra would try to maintain a high dividend.

Jabu also mentioned that Salcra board members had decided to donate RM100,000 to four charitable bodies. A total of RM30,000 will be allocated to Peryatim, RM30,000 to Sarawak Tipun Penan Development Association (Petipun) and RM20,000 each to the Blind Society of Sarawak and Sarawak Autistic Association.

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