Saturday, June 25, 2011

Agarwood capable of generating handsome profit within five years

The Borneo Post. Posted on April 29, 2011, Friday

GOOD INVESTMENT: Participants check on their six-month-old agarwood trees.
MIRI: It is expected that 100 trees of Asia Thailand agarwood species (GA-T) within its five-year mature period can generate a profit of RM100,000 under current conditions.

Director of Gaharu Asia Sdn Bhd, Celestina Ann said agarwood had been described as a millionaire tree as it promised a high investment return to the growers.

“Agarwood can be said a millionaire tree because it has the potential of uplifting the growers’ living standard and quality of life,” she remarked, adding that the GA-T species had the potential to change their future economic status within five years.

Ann said further the existing agarwood population in the Asian forests had been reduced due to uncontrolled over harvesting.

However, she pointed out not all agarwood trees in the forest produce resin.

But with the combination of the latest technology, she said the planters had no need to wait many years until harvesting.

The agarwood species, GA-T that is imported from Thailand has been identified as the best species for such investment.

Thus, Gaharu Asia Sdn Bhd from Sabah has taken the initial step by having a resale agreement with a particular company in Thailand and buyers in the Middle East.

“Our company is giving total focus on the agarwood seedling plantation from Thailand because such species already has a market. Apart from that, our company also buys back the species from the growers,” she remarked.

In addition to providing market networking, the company also offers agarwood plantation course and vaccine treatment.

The company is to organise a seminar at Dynasty Hotel Miri at 9am on April 30.

Those interested are welcome to join the seminar with the entrance fee of RM300.

For further information contact Ann at 014-8849269 or Daved (014-8567869).