Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gaharu Essential Oil and Resins- Income Opportunity

According to report, Malaysia has 1,000 hectares of gaharu plantation with 30 hectares reaching maturity after seven years.

Is also said that people, especially villagers who have land, should venture into planting the 'aquilaria' tree (commonly known as agarwood or 'kayu karas' which produces the gaharu resins as it brings good returns.

It was reported that the producing countries could only meet 35 per cent of the demand and Malaysia comes in third place with only six per cent. Gaharu, depending on its grade can fetch from RM4,000 to RM20,000 per kilogramme. One tree can produce 1.5 kilogrammes of gaharu on average. One acres can accomodate 800 trees and seedling could cost frm RM8 to RM10 each.